WordWeight : Weighing the Words

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WordWeight Mission :

What does it mean? You have to find out what it means. But it is a lot easier to figure out when you can just look up what any word, any concept, or any definition means at any time, for any purpose, and for anyone. That is what WordWeight is for -- we define the words across the spectrum of dictionaries.

There are standard dictionaries. There are also specialty dictionaries, such as those dealing with a subject, like medicinal dictionaries or engineering dictionaries. There are also jargon and street phrase dictionaries, which detail specific phrasing to a field of interest or slang terms commonly found in public. Dictionaries for house plants, for meaning of names, for countries, for personalities, for scientific fields, and for anything else you can think of. It would be nice if you could just look up one word, and then find its meaning across all dictionaries. That is what we do -- we are WordWeight.com, and our purpose is to give you a single, regular method for weighing words.

At WordWeight.com, everything you want in a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a book of pronunciation is here at your fingertips. We may provide information from dictionaries that anyone can lookup, but we do it in a way that nobody has done before.

Were you looking for some place to look up words? Well, you have found it.




WordWeight Examples :

Below are some example uses of the site...




WordWeight Uses :

Below are some sample uses of the site...




WordWeight History :

WordWeight.com was created and launched on May 5, 2017. Since then, we have been showing users how to weigh words for anything and everything.




WordWeight Tech :

WordWeight.com is built using the Green Gluon CMS, a content-management system designed for power, speed, and scalability.

This technology, using PHP7 and MySQL5, provides all of the functionality of this website. Check us out on GitHub!


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